Sunday, September 18, 2011


I walk alone, I walk alone...
Here i am nobody around. feeling like im way back in the olden days wondering what had happened.
I walk alone, I walk alone.
Where are all the people i had expected here?
 Shattered windows, Such a dark place, & nothing is looking that great.
I walk alone, I walk alone.

Desert air calling out my name. I dont quite get how people could ever live this way.
I walk alone, I walk alone.
Coming from a big city, to this.
Not the best experience.
I walk alone, I walk alone.

Trash everywhere, boarded up newspaper stands, & buildings.
No life exists.
except me...
I walk alone, I walk alone.

I've walked over an hour and i feel as if i had not moved from this same exact spot.
Everything looks the same.
Forgetting you and all your mistakes.
i will always be walking alone.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Im in class right now...
Not trying to get you off my mind.
Cause im thinking about you like CRAZY!

I'm thinking about you like..
A guitar thinks about its strings.
Like a Queen thinks about her king.
Im thinking about you like a cat thinks about chasing.
Like a chef thinks about tasting.

Im thinking about you like..
Chris Sharma thinks about climbing.
Like a Rapper thinks about Rhyming.
Im thinking about you like a bird thinks about flying.
Like a baby thinks about crying.
And a human thinks about dying.

Im thinking about you like...
a writter thinks about writing.
Like people think about fighting.
Im thinking about you like a candle thinks about burning.
Like a student thinks about learning.

I’m thinking about you like...

Friday, September 2, 2011


Love is like a blank page. No clear explenations, confusion, & just a mystery
Love is a sunset. Beautiful,Great, & may or may not end
Love is the ocean.
Love is many colors.
Love is summer.
Love is unforgettable. Once you have felt it you don't dare let go.
Love is victorious.
Love is a poem.
Love is a song.
Love is simply romance.
Love is a memory.
Love is a desire
Love has no directions.
Love is taking a chance