Sunday, October 23, 2011


We were in the 7th grade.

Who knew there was a war.

A war with the whole world.

She keeps her head bent over her desk so her hair flips in front of her face.

She has uncombed stringy hair that is black with orange ends.

She looks like a monarch butterfly.

She writes on the board for the rest of class.

She suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder.

I'm just an outsider looking in.


Sunday, October 16, 2011



Such a vague word.

No Clear Definitions.

Just Actions.

Us begins with two people.

Two people who are friends, or madly in love.


Such a simple word.

Love simply the definition of what i feel for someone like you.

It takes two of us to fall in love.

takes two of us to try.

& takes two of us to make it last forever.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


You take chances at least 100 times a day.
You never know when you do.
Everything is a chance.
Biggest chance in a  teenagers life is...
I take chances every time i like someone new.
The worst that can come out of it is...
I don't like you, or im taken.
Chances are apart of life.
And we grow up from that.
Not everyone is going to like you.
But im really glad i took a chance on you(: <3

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I now invite each and everyone of you  to rock out.

Rock out like devendra rocks out while playing his music.
Rock out like you are the only one on this earth.
Rock out like its your last day on this earth, So that each second is very well spent.
Rock out like boulders being to tumble.
Rock out like your falling 10,000 ft.

Rock out like you're running from something so great.
Rock out like the dust on my feet.
Rock out like guitar strings while being played.
Rock out like the joy your mom brings.
Rock out before anyone sings.

Rock out like your broken hearted knowing you'll find someone so much better.
Rock out like its the last thing you'll ever do.
 Rock out like you were born to rock out.

Rock out like no one will judge you.

Rock out just to rock out.
Rock out darling rock out.


Such a blunt word. & also pretty slef explanitory.
Death in which means ending.
Not for just a split second but for eturnity.
Once you leave this earth, you can not come back.
Life should be taken for granted.

And each individual should be treated as you wish to be treated.
Its not worth ruining someonse life for you satisfaction.
I've been to many funerals and it doesnt hit me that they are really gone until that day, you see them laying there lifeless, & peaceful.
Death is the scariest thing out there.

Death is to the extreme.
Death is not what i want to experience.
But when it's here it's here.
Thats when you should really start taking things for granted and do everything you ever imagined.
But dont think of death as the worst thing, even though it sort of is....
But it's really not the worst as long as you are satisfied with life.
Goodbye world, & goodbye to you.